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DIY Felt Cat Toy Made in 1 Hour: Colourful Leaves. Cat Toys for Your and Rescue Cats.

DIY Felt Cat Toy Made in 1 Hour: Colourful Leaves. Cat Toys for Your and Rescue Cats

Cat owners know that not all expensive cat toys you buy from a pet shop are popular with cats. To keep a cat entertained, you may just need a piece of paper or a simple cat toy that you can do yourself. DIY cat toys are great things you can make for your cat and that allow you to be creative. Here is a felt DIY cat toy that you can easily make in an hour.

A felt cat toy is lightweigh and soft. It allows a cat to put claws into it and catch it. When you play with your cat with a cat toy, let the cat catch ir and keep it for some time. Don’t pull it away from a cat straight away. Catch and release – this is a cat’s tactic. Below is an instruction on how to make a felt cat toy inspired by Martha Stewart.

What You Need to Make a Felt Cat Toy

  • A piece of felt, or 2-3 small pieces
  • Scissors
  • Iron
  • (Optional) Small bell
  • Long rope

How to Make a DIY Felt Cat Toy

  1. Get a piece of felt of any colour.
  2. Draw a leaf shape on felt. Use a template or draw a leaf yourself.
  3. Cut the leaf shape.
  4. Bend the leaf in half and iron it. As a result the leaf will not be flat, exactly what we want.
  5. Repeat the above one or two times, depending on how many leaves you want in a toy, making next leaf smaller (or larger) than the previous one.
  6. Get a rope.
  7. Optionally, put a bell on a rope. Make sure it sits tightly on the rope. A bell can become a choking hazard for a cat, so be careful about using it. (I personally always remove any small bits, like eyes, small appliques, from cat toys.)
  8. Put all leaves together – the smallest one inside others.
  9. Wrap this bunch of leaves with a rope security tighten them together.
  10. Your felt cat toy is ready!

You can watch a video on Martha Stewart’s web site on how she did that.

Once the felt cat toy is ready, drag it along the floor to inspire the cat. You can hang the cat toy somewhere so the cat can jump and play with it. (I often put toys on a cat tree.)

Make this DIY felt cat toy and post a photo in comments below or on Ozzi Cat Family’s Facebook page.

Help Rescue and Shelter Cats!

DIY cat toy is an easy way to make a difference and help rescue and shelter cats who await an adoption.

Do you think this cat toy made from felt will be a great gift for cats at a cat rescue or shelter? Go and make a few toys like this and bring them to a cat rescue or a shelter. More entertainment for cats, the better. Send us a photo of your gift and tell us what cat rescue or shelter you send it to – your story may be published in the Ozzi Cat Magazine and you will be a featured Australian cat lover. It will also inspire others to follow your example. So why to wait? Go for it! And submit your DIY cat toy instructions here.

If you make DIY cat toys, share with us – how you make it and a few photographs.

Source/Photo by: Martha Stewart Living

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