Cat Facts: Spaying Or Neutering
When deciding to bring a cat or kitten home for the first time, for example, a caring owner will have considered whether to buy or adopt;..
There are a lot of myths out there, like cats groom themselves, cats remove their own hair and wash themselves, cats file their own nails..
We love our pets dearly and whether we have a dog, a cat, a horse, a fish or a Parakeet, our pets become part of the family. Our children..
If you love your feline friends, then get to understand that you are doing them great harm by smoking in the house!
Telling anxiety signs in cats and dogs include physical symptoms and behaviour changes such as refusing food, pulling or chewing on fur,..
Several reasons why cats end up in cat protection shelters
Cats age quickly and need special care for their needs. Do you know why it is essential for a cat owner to take their cat to a vet for at..
People generally love their pets a lot, but there are times when they can't accompany you. Here are 4 reasons why you should drop your cat..
An indoor cat is known to get pretty bored of their surroundings pretty quickly. My cat's boredom me so much that I started to worry about..
Warm summer months in Australia bring along perilous experiences especially to your beloved pet - the cat. It is during this season that..