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Low Cost Subsidised Cat Desexing In Gold Coast For Domestic And Stray Cats

November 10, 2016 by Ozzi Cat Magazine in Cat Care, Cat Events, Cat News

A group of street stray kittens

Animal Welfare League Queensland (AWLQ) in collaboration with the City of Gold Coast Council offers a low cost cat desexing in Gold Coast. Spay and neuter will reduce the number of unwanted kittens entering shelters and cat rescues, and the number of stray cats.

Ms Joy Verrinder, the AWLQ Strategic Director, says that after a decline in the number of kittens entered the City pound and Animal Welfare League Queensland, it has been an increase of abandoned kittens in the last two years. Ms Joy urges everyone to desex cats.

Cats can be desexed starting at around 4 months of age. If not desexed, the cat will go into “heat” 2-3 times a year, bringing you 2-5 kittens per litter. Within a year, you will potentially end up with 15 kittens on hands. The kittens who will grow up to adult cats. Are you ready to take the responsibility of feeding and caring for them for the next 20 years? If you won’t further desex your cat, the story will repeat itself, making you an unhappy owner of 40 cats and so forth.

There are already enough cats for everyone.

  • No, your kitty don’t need to “wait” until she has her first litter.
  • Yes, undesexed cats are at risk. Your cat can escape under the urge of finding a mating partner to fulfill her natural reproductive call.
  • No, “special” tablets and “magic promises” won’t stop the cat from having a litter. Only desexing of male and female cats gives a 100%-guarantee and a piece of mind.
  • Yes, you will be doing good for your cat. Desexing will help avoid nasty pyometra (which, if not spotted in time, can take your cat’s life) and other potential health issues.
  • No, your cat’s personality won’t radically change. The usual welcomed changes in desexed cats are: reduced aggression, especially in male cats, no urine marking or vocalisation related to the mating season.
  • Why to desex my cat?

Usually people on a limited budget can desex their cats using a subsidiary desexing program offered by their local council, or during July (which is the National Desexing Month) at veterinary clinics participating in the National Desexing Network (an initiative of Animal Welfare League Queensland).

From November 9, 2016, National Desexing Network and the City of Gold Coast offer the Cooperative Desexing program in the Gold Coast area. Cooperative Desexing program helps people who have financial difficulties spay and neuter their cats.

“Eligible owners will pay just $35 to desex a male cat, $55 a female cat, and just $35 for any additional female cats.” If you are eligible, you will receive a desexing voucher. AWLQ issues the vouchers on behalf of the City of Gold Coast. You can then redeem the desexing voucher at one of the veterinary clinics participating in the Cooperative Desexing program:

  1. AWLQ’s Community Vet Clinic (Coombabah)
  2. Arundel Vet Surgery
  3. Companion Care Veterinary Surgery Ormeau
  4. Jacobs Well Vet Surgery
  5. Pimpama Pet Vet
  6. The Pines Vet
  7. Pet Wellness Centre (Burleigh)
  8. Tugun Vet Surgery

If you have a non-neutered female or male cat, or you feed an unidentified stray cat, or already have an accidental litter of kittens from an non-spayed female, it’s time to desex right now.

Ms Verrinder says, “If you are feeding an unidentified stray cat, you can access a desexing voucher to help you take ownership of that cat, microchip her, and provide a huge community benefit in preventing more unowned cats.”

Remember the council rules: “All kittens bred on the Gold Coast must be desexed prior to being sold or given away, unless they have a health issue or are going to someone with a City of Gold Coast breeder permit.”

Not being able to afford the cost of desexing is one of the top three reasons cats get surrendered to the Gold Coast shelters. Use your chance of the Cooperative Desexing program’s subsidised cat desexing.

Find out if you are eligible: contact National Desexing Network on 5509 9001.
Know someone who may benefit? Share this article with them.

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xox Natalie Krotova
Ms Cat, Cat Mum, Editor-in-Chief at Ozzi Cat – Australian National Cat Magazine,
Cat Behaviour & Training Specialist, Special Needs Cats Ambassador.

Photo by: Eveline de Bruin
H/T: Caroline Zambrano; Shan Veivers / AWLQ
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