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Catify Your Home: CATable – Cat-Friendly Furniture. Will It Help Cat Owners?

April 24, 2014 by Ozzi Cat Magazine in Products

CATable - Cat Table - Cat-Friendly furniture designed for cats and cat owners

If you have a cat and a computer, and you try to work, you know how it usually ends up. The cat sits or lays between you and the monitor, occupying the keyboard, the mouse and your time. How to move a cat that interrupts your work? I don’t know how You do that, for me it is always a challenge as I love my cats and I want to spend as much time with them as I can. So if I need to move a cat from my desk, I feel guilty. Good news – one guy heard the cat owners’ prayers and invented a cat-friendly furniture! A cat-friendly table. Here is how it looks.

CATable - Cat Table - Cat-Friendly furniture designed for cats and cat owners

Ruan Hao, a creative Chinese architect and designer, invented a CATable for the architecture firm LYCS (Hong Kong) – a cat-friendly furniture that allows cat owners and their attention-seeking cats to spend time together and to get work done. The table surface is like any other table. The secret is what’s inside it.

CATable - Cat Table - Cat-Friendly furniture designed for cats and cat owners

Somebody calls it a “paradise for cats”. Inside there is a maze of tunnels connected to each other. The size of a tunnel is fine for a cat (although the production company might need to accommodate custom sizes for larger cats!). Smooth wooden tunnels allow a cat to explore, crawl through, or sleep inside the table.

CATable - Cat Table - Cat-Friendly furniture designed for cats and cat owners

CATable - Cat Table - Cat-Friendly furniture designed for cats and cat owners

According to the architect, the cat-friendly furniture design was based on two principles:
1. Putting away the cat from your lap top was like a sentimental ritual of temporary farewell.
2. A proper sized hole could be so irresistible to cats. Their curiosity would be greatly satisfied through repetitively exploring the unknown path behind the hole.

CATable - Cat Table - Cat-Friendly furniture designed for cats and cat owners

The cat table is exhibited in the University of Milan during Milan Design Week and follows the current worldwide trend of catifying your home – making it cat-friendly. (Remember a cat crib, the space saving hammock for cats? It’s another example of that.)

What do you think of this cat-friendly table? Could it work for you and your cat?

Photo by: LYCS / via mymodernmet

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  1. Cathy KeishaApril 27, 2014 at 12:30 pm

    Thank you for stopping by and for the Get Well wishes. I’m hoping that this asthma is history for this year.

    • Natalie @ Ozzi Cat MagazineApril 27, 2014 at 12:55 pm

      Thanks god, let it be true! Touching wood for you. It must be frightening when your kitty has asthma. A friend of my has a kitty who recently had difficulty with breathing. Turned out to be something like an infection. Still scary though. I realised that I don’t know how the symptoms of asthma look and steps I have to quickly take if that happens. I asked our cat expert to touch on that in the next magazine issue, I think it’s vitally important. If you’d like to share your experience too, I would be grateful for that! It would help many cat owners – to identify the symptoms, what to do, how a life with an asthmatic cat looks like. If you’d like to share, thank you so much in advance. Please send via the Submit Cat Story form, you are very welcome! Thank you for caring for your kitty. You are a great role model example for many cat owners xox Natalie

  2. Pussweek MagazineNovember 6, 2014 at 10:19 am

    Wow, I think we all need desks like this…

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