Ozzi Cat. Australian National Cat Magazine & Cat Behaviour Consulting. Solutions for Cat Problems. How to Keep Cats Happy.
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Search Results

Man Saves a Terrified Kitten Caught by a Boa Constrictor

An animal lover in Costa Rica heard heart-wrenching mews coming from the bush. It’s a young cat caught by a boa constrictor. Read and watch. This could have easily happen in Australia. Let’s hope our cats will never experience anything like this. Cat parents living in those parts of Australia where we have snakes, please be alert.

Cats and Cars: How to Make Traveling With Your Cat Easier

Pet travel doesn’t have to be an absolute nightmare, and you can travel in the car with a cat without any problems. Whether you are planning a long road trip across country or you just need to travel with your cat for 30 minutes, the following tips on cat travel by car may be helpful.

Cat Book: A Turkish Van and Vodka in The Water (By David Halstead)

A Turkish Van and Vodka in The Water. Sounds intriguing?
Just about two months ago David Halstead published a book dedicated to his four friends, three cats and a wife.
Sadly all three cats passed away, but they left behind everlasting happy memories for David and his family. This book is a little dedication to his pawsome fur friends.

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