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Volunteering at Adoption Day

Family Cat

Family Cat

Recently there was an Adoption Day held at Pet Stock, Geelong, featuring cats and kittens from Geelong Animal Welfare Society (GAWS). How is it to volunteer at an Adoption Day? This is my story.

I personally love these Days. I meet gorgeous cats and kittens on the day. I feel so happy for them and their new families when they find each other.

It is always a bright event. My desire is to colour it positive. Because finding a forever home and finding a cat that you like, is a very positive event.

Some people come to find their furry friend and adopt him, some to ask information about becoming a foster carer. People enjoy sausage sizzle all money from which go directly towards pets in the shelter care. Some people just donate straight away.

Adoption Day is an awesome event. You see many people whose eyes start shining when they find their forever friend. You see how deeply they want to care after their adopted furry babies. Often you see how perfectly a person matches a cat and vise versa.

It is an awesome day. Great people, volunteers, help visitors with answers. For many visitors it is the first time they are going to have a cat. So every question is answered. Everybody is very supportive and welcoming.

Some Cats at Geelong Animal Welfare Society Adoption Day

Some Cats at Geelong Animal Welfare Society Adoption Day

That was one of the very awesome and fruitful Adoption Days! There were so many people that more cats had to be brought from the shelter to the Pet Stock that kindly provides facilities for the Adoption Day. Some people came even before the event start time because they saw a cat they wanted to adopt and they wanted to make sure it was available when they come.

All cats have been adopted very quickly. This gave an opportunity to bring more cats from the shelter. Those also have been adopted. A cat surrendered just a day before found his loving home. Another cat who needed love and special care, also found his Human who will love and care of him. Cheeky kittens and gorgeous cats, they all warm heart and become forever companions.

Every time I volunteer at an Adoption Day it is a rewarding experience. Every time I do a little bit more to help cats find loving homes. This time I created a cat poster to advertise the event and attractive posters explaining where money goes from the BBQ that we cook. Great and positive feedback encourages and inspires to do more and try different things.

Cat Poster promoting Geelong Animal Welfare Society Adoption Day

Cat Poster promoting Geelong Animal Welfare Society Adoption Day

I would like to thank everyone who helped spread posters, who were assisting visitors on the day, my husband who was cooking BBQ sausages, everyone who was involved. I would like to hug all cats that I met and tell them that everything will be alright. I would like to share happiness of people who found their loving fur souls. Take care of them. Cats bring happiness. And it is very rewarding to have cats and help cats.

I feel I am doing the right thing. And what I do is valuable. Every little bit helps and makes a difference in a cat world. This is why I am doing all of this, volunteering in particular.

Try volunteering! Play your valuable role in this life!

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